Let’s talk about that good Ole’ HOLIDAY FUNK. Are you ready for another honest discussion with The Relational Experts, Adam Luke LMFT and Jeff Ortiz LMFT? Because here is the truth, as men most of us do not look forward to the Holiday’s at all. Holidays can be a time where we recognize who is no longer with us, it can be a time challenged by grief, an annual reminder of the family relationships we hate, and a short term crash course in Family Dysfunction. But this is not how holidays have to be. Holiday’s do not have to be 4 days a year where we as Men simply try to survive.

Adam and Jeff hash out the discussion surrounding this season of Life and how our outlook and hidden reservations about the holidays can be sabotaging the relationships we have while stopping us from starting the relationships we want. Listen in as Adam and Jeff pull apart the complexities of our expectations, the realities and the Holidays.